Thursday, September 18, 2008


Its finally here! They survived a fire, lived to tell about it, and are still dying beautiful yarn! Yesterday several huge boxes arrived containing all of our favorites...worsted, chunky, laceweight and the much anticipated superwash sock.


The are just lovely!

Here is a view of all of it, or as much as I could fit into the photo.


Everything is available online as I spent the entire day photographing every skein. I feel like I am going cross-eyed! Going to meet hubby for a drink, I need it now!

Happy Knitting.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunshiny Day

It doesn't happen much lately. I used to tell people that everything they had heard about the weather in the UK was not true, that it wasn't grey and rainy all the time. Unfortunately for the past two summers, it is very true. I was lucky to fly to the sunshine this summer, but since I have been back we have only had about one day of sunshine a few weeks ago. Today was a great one! We took full advantage and drove out to a picture perfect pub in Cobham, Surrey.


My husband looks the part with his pint, sitting outside in the garden. The kids are on a climbing frame somewhere behind me. Notice the squinting, a side effect of sunshine!!! When we got home, I let the piggies out on the grass to enjoy what may be the only nice day they may see for a while.


I enjoyed a bit of knitting beside them on my February Lady Sweater. I am loving this color, Happy Forest from Dream in Color. I know it is close to the one in the photo for the pattern, but to be honest, I have had my eye on that one since we started stocking the yarn, and it had to be done.


It looks small in the photo, but I have tried it on, and it fit with a bit of stretching. Nathalie said hers was the same. It would make sense with garter stitch at the top. I am loving the lace pattern, it is one of those that you can memorize in a second. I can work on it and talk at the same time. Not something I can usually do with lace.

Last but not least, I found the coolest app for my Iphone. It is a row counter. It not only does rows, but pattern repeats, and even increases. I have been waiting for a counter like this forever! Just go to the App store, and search for Knitting. It was the only thing that came up. Just a quick download and you can count to your hearts content!


Sunday, September 07, 2008

A Harlot Day

Yesterday, Nathalie and I left Nic all alone in the shop (don't worry, she wasn't lonely), trudged through the rain, and went to IKnit day to see the Yarn Harlot. We saw loads of our lovely customers, friends, and other familiar faces.


I love the bag by the way!

And here she is:


Not a very clear photo, but you can tell its her for sure.

When Nathalie first got the tickets, I wasn't that keen on going, wondering what she could possibly talk about, though I do think her books are hilarious. I have to say that she had some interesting observations on life as a knitter that we all have, especially being in the shop every day.

These giant needles were interesting, and I think Nathalie quite enjoyed them.


Anyone who has been into Stash will be happy to hear that we were able to buy a giant set of needles, not as giant as these, but like the ones we used to have, to hang in the window. We have been missing them.

On the knitting front, I am nearly finished with the first of my husbands socks. I have never made socks for a man, not realizing how huge they would be! Must start sock number two straight away. Considering what a big fan of the shop he is, I think he deserves them.